well services
We are able to provide quality services in the field as we have exclusive models and products chemicals used in drilling process.
Our company applies self-engineered products to increase production in high paraffin and viscous oil fields.
Our products have all patents and certificates and enable sweetening of oil and gas mixtures produced. Our products are widely used in oil and gas fields in both Russia and Kazakhstan. Companies from Iran and Middle East where at the moment the pilot testing is being carried out have taken an active interest in our products. Providing our products for these projects has been planned in the nearest future.
Our products are toxic waste free and are flexibly integrated in the existing production train which makes our products unique as well as cost effective comparing to currently available alternative solutions in this field.
We currently own several drilling rigs for drilling vertical wells at depth down to 2,000 m. We perform drilling services effectively providing multifaceted approach, qualified staff and constantly available reserve storage for ensuring uninterrupted operation.
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